Eviction Panel

We help those who are homeless or at the brink of homelessness stay in their homes or move on their own terms. This  project joins volunteer attorneys with LABG clients for representation in eviction proceedings. Cover an eviction docket on a scheduled day.

Scope of work (10 hours on average per month):

  • Attend training by LABG staff
  • Coordinate your scheduled docket day
  • Receive client information and notice
  • Attend court of schedule date and time
  • Conduct any necessary follow up
  • Provide LABG staff with periodic case status updates including when final judgements have been entered and hours spent on case.

Need Legal Help

Legal aid protects the rights of people living at or near poverty with legal problems such as:  housing, consumer, family and public benefits. We ensure access to justice for all people, including veterans, the elderly, those who are disabled and victims of domestic violence. You can call us to apply for assistance Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.  Calls are answered in the order they are received. 

Please reach us my telephone while we rebuild a better system for online applications. 


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