
Legal Aid of the Bluegrass recognizes that safe, affordable housing is a pressing need faced by many individuals and families in our service area. Helping people achieve housing stability by working to preserve affordable rental housing, home ownership, and protecting the rights of people who are living in rent-assisted housing is central to our mission. 

Our attorneys and advocates provide high quality legal representation to our clients in the following areas:


We assist those facing eviction by providing advice to tenants regarding community resources, negotiations with landlords, and representing clients in court.  


Legal Aid of the Bluegrass assists people who are

  • facing termination of public housing or Section 8 benefits;
  • have been denied public housing or Section 8 benefits or;
  • have other issues with a public housing authority.



Our attorneys and advocates assist people who are dealing with unsafe living conditions arising from landlords’ failure to properly maintain their properties.  We work with clients, city officials, community service organizations, and the courts, when necessary, to obtain necessary repairs to a client’s residence so that they are able to live in safe and livable conditions.


Landlords are required to go through a judicial process in order to evict a tenant from rental property. However, sometimes landlords engage in “self-help” eviction by turning off a tenant’s utilities to force them out of a residence or by locking a tenant out of a residence.  Legal Aid of the Bluegrass assists people who have been the victim of “self-help” eviction through advocacy, negotiation and, when necessary, litigation in court. 


Legal Aid of the Bluegrass seeks to protect home ownership from the threat of foreclosure and predatory lending practices through a combination of assisting our clients with applying for emergency assistance funds, negotiating with lenders, and modification of existing mortgages.  We also assist clients with filing bankruptcy for the purpose of protecting their homes.


Two small children look out a window of a home

Need Legal Help

Legal aid protects the rights of people living at or near poverty with legal problems such as:  housing, consumer, family and public benefits. We ensure access to justice for all people, including veterans, the elderly, those who are disabled and victims of domestic violence. You can call us to apply for assistance Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.  Calls are answered in the order they are received. 

Please reach us my telephone while we rebuild a better system for online applications. 


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