LABG seeks Strategic Planning Consultant

Request for Proposals: Strategic Planning Consultant
Legal Aid of the Bluegrass (LABG) seeks the services of an independent consultant to guide and execute a comprehensive strategic planning process.
LABG provides free high quality civil legal services to the low-income and vulnerable in its 40-county service area in northern, central, and northeastern Kentucky. LABG is the product of the mergers of three smaller programs which had been providing services since 1967.
LABG’s services include legal advice, brief services, and extended representation in five primary unit areas of law: (1) the Housing Unit assists with eviction defense, foreclosure defense, and other housing-related issues; (2) the Family Law Unit assists with protective orders, divorce, custody, and immigration; (3) the Economic Stability Unit assists with public benefits, expungement, bankruptcy, consumer issues, and elder law; (4) the Health and Government Benefits Unit assists with Medicare, Medicaid, and other health care issues and provides long-term care ombudsman services; and (5) the Low Income Taxpayer Clinic Unit assists with federal and related state tax issues. LABG also has units for intake and private attorney involvement.
LABG has over 60 funding sources including the Legal Services Corporation (LSC), the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and other governmental and private sources. LABG is projecting revenue of about $6 million for 2025. LABG has four offices in Ashland, Covington, Lexington, and Morehead and employs approximately 65 staff. For more information about LABG, please visit our website
LABG’s most recent strategic plan was a one-year plan for 2024 that served as a transition plan between the last long-term strategic plan that ended in 2023 and this new process. LABG fulfilled nearly all of its goals on both the plan that ended in 2023 and the 2024 plan. LABG now seeks to lay the foundation for its future with the next plan. The goals are to develop a strategic plan that will guide efforts to enhance service delivery, sustain or increase funding, and strengthen impact over the next three years.
Consultant proposals should include the following:
- A detailed approach to conducting the strategic planning process including the work to be performed, estimated hours, and other relevant information.
- The development of a plan to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the strategic plan.
- A budget estimate for the entire project. LABG seeks proposals with budgets up to $25,000.
- A statement of prior experience with facilitating strategic planning for non-profit organizations. Experience working with and knowledge of legal services organizations is preferred.
Project Timeline
A. RFP Release Date January 13, 2025
B. Proposals Due to LABG February 14, 2025
C. Notice of Award Released (on or before) March 14, 2025
D. Draft Strategic Plan Due to LABG October 17, 2025
E. Final Strategic Plan Due to LABG November 14, 2025
F. Consultant Presentation to LABG Board December 3, 2025 of Directors
Proposals are due on or before 5:00 p.m. EST on February 14, 2025. Delivery of proposals should be made electronically to Robert Johns, LABG Executive Director, at with “LABG Strategic Planning Proposal” in the subject line, PDF preferred. If you have large file size items, please provide a file sharing link with instructions for accessing the proposed materials.
Evaluation Criteria
In awarding a contract for services to facilitate this strategic planning process, LABG will evaluate several factors and criteria including, but not limited to:
-The extent to which the consultant’s proposal describes its methodology and addresses the organization’s intentions in its narrative;
-The specific plans to be used to perform the services;
- The qualifications and experience facilitating strategic plans for nonprofit organizations, including legal services organizations; and
- The total cost for providing services.
LABG reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals and to waive any minor discrepancies or technicalities in the proposal or specifications, when deemed to be in the best interest of LABG. LABG also reserves the right to negotiate with all respondents to the RFP and reject any or all offers and discontinue this RFP process without obligation or liability to any respondent. RFP respondents may be asked to revise their proposal based on further negotiations. This document represents an initial request for proposals only and in no way should be construed as a contract or letter of intent. LABG will not pay any costs associated with preparing proposals in response to this RFP.
Unless otherwise required by law, all information disclosed by LABG during the proposal process shall be considered confidential and should not be released to outside parties.
Likewise, all proposals from RFP respondents will only be reviewed by LABG staff and/or Board as necessary for the fair selection of the contractor and will not be shared with outside parties, unless otherwise required by law.
Project Deliverables
Consultant shall deliver a strategic plan along with steps to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the strategic plan. All recommendations identified during this engagement will be documented and reviewed with LABG management. All deliverables produced during the engagement are for the sole use of LABG and will remain the property of LABG.
Inquiries/Contact Information
Questions about this RFP may be directed to Robert Johns, LABG Executive Director, at (859) 957-0186 or
Need Legal Help
Legal aid protects the rights of people living at or near poverty with legal problems such as: housing, consumer, family and public benefits. We ensure access to justice for all people, including veterans, the elderly, those who are disabled and victims of domestic violence. You can call us to apply for assistance Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Calls are answered in the order they are received.
Please reach us my telephone while we rebuild a better system for online applications.

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